Tata Sky, the largest Direct-to-Home (DTH) operator in India, has rebranded itself into Tata Play. The company doesn’t want to get left behind by the over-the-top (OTT) platforms and is making its ‘play’ to continue ruling the entertainment market in India. To add to this, the Binge Combo TV packs, which weren’t launched a lot of time ago by the company, will now include Netflix. It is a breather for the Tata Sky (now Tata Play) users as they have been requesting the addition of Netflix in the Binge service for a long time now.
With the OTT combo packs, Tata Play users will be able to get a subscription to both the OTT platforms in the Binge service as well as the normal TV channels.
Tata Play Not Just a DTH Operator, But Also OTT Content Distributor
Harit Nagpal, managing director and chief executive, Tata Play, said that users are not just watching regular TV channels anymore as the interest in OTT content has skyrocketed in the previous few years. Thus, the new brand is more in line with providing both OTT and DTH content to the users, reports Livemint.
With the new combo packs, Tata Play will make the content viewing experience seamless for the consumers as users will be able to access OTT content and TV channels both on their smartphones as well as TV screens. Prices for the plans will vary depending on the need for screens for the users.
In addition to this, Tata Play customers who have not recharged their packs can get reconnections for free, and the company has also decided to remove the service visit charges of Rs 175 completely.
This is a natural way for the DTH operators, and Tata Play has made the first move to accept and integrate OTT as a future with its OTT combo packs. The other prominent DTH operators in the country, including Airtel Digital TV, Dish TV, D2h, and more, are expected to follow suit.