Tata Docomo has introduced packs offering ‘unlimited calling’ for prepaid customers in Kerala. The costs of these packs start at Rs. 103 and reach up to Rs. 348 for the pack offering maximum benefits. They offer unlimited STD and local calls, with few selected packs coming with 3G data benefit.
At Rs. 348, Tata Docomo allows the customers to make unlimited STD and local calls for 28 days, to any network along with 5GB of 3G data across all circles. At Rs. 298, the data benefit available is limited to 2GB of 3G data. At the denomination of Rs. 148, the service provider allows unlimited STD and local calls along with 500MB of 3G data for 14 days. There is also another pack available at Rs. 103 allowing subscribers to make unlimited on-net calls for 28 Days. The Rs. 246 pack offering unlimited calls does not offer data benefit.
Commenting on the unlimited plans, Mr. Balaji Prakash, CBU Head-Karnataka and Kerala circle, TTSL said, “Our unlimited plans are devised to offer maximum value in terms of voice and data to all our customers as per their requirements. With unlimited talk time and abundant data at best available prices, our unlimited plans will suit the ever-increasing demands of our customers to stay connected. This is a New Year bonanza for our customers, with the on-going holiday season, we want our customers to make maximum utilization of voice and data. We will continue to delight our customers with our superior user experience.”
Also Read: Tata Docomo’s ‘Simple is Best’ is Simply the Best Plan Right Now
Tata Docomo has a pan-India presence across 19 telecom circles in India. It has a fiber optic backhaul network running across 1,00,000 km and 25,000 km access network covering key cities.