There's no doubt that Samsung is facing the heat in the Indian market, especially in the last two quarters. The South Korean company has now introduced a Rs 10,000 cashback offer on its flagship smartphone Galaxy Note 8, which brings the overall price to Rs 49,900. The Mumbai-based retailer, Mahesh Telecom tweeted this news, further stating that the device will be live till May 31, 2018. The Galaxy Note 8 was launched in India last year at a price of Rs 67,900; since then, it received various price cuts which brought down the price to Rs 59,900. Samsung has been offering cashback offers through Paytm on various smartphones, but this deal is a complete value for money one.
The terms and conditions of the Paytm cashback offer might remain the same. The offer is applicable in both offline and online markets. In the offline market, users have to head over to a retail store and make the purchase through Paytm. Do make a note that your KYC should be verified to make a payment in the offline market. While in the online market, just head over to Paytm Mall and apply the coupon code to get the cashback of Rs 10,000. The cashback amount will be credited to your Paytm Wallet within 12 days, and this offer is applicable only once per user during the offer period.
Alongside the Galaxy Note 8, Samsung is offering various deals on other smartphones such as the Galaxy S8 Plus, Galaxy S8, Galaxy A8+ and more. The newly announced Galaxy S8 Burgundy Red colour variant is already available at Rs 39,990 after the Rs 10,000 cashback offer from Paytm. The Galaxy S8+ is down to Rs 43,900 under the same offer.
The offline retailer also tweeted that the Galaxy J7 Duo, which was launched very recently will be available for Rs 15,990 until May 31, 2018.
It makes complete sense from Samsung to offer the Galaxy Note 8 at Rs 49,990 because the successor Galaxy Note 9 is rumoured to launch in the month of June 2018. Samsung is considering an early launch of the Note 9 because the Galaxy S9 and S9+ aren't doing that great across the globe. Samsung managed to sell over eight million Galaxy S9 devices in the first weeks of launch, down by close to 20% when compared to Galaxy S8 duo.