Yet another low cost Android smartphone from Samsung goes on sale in India. Priced at Rs 7399, the Samsung Galaxy Ace NXT comes with dual SIM card slots, 4 inch screen, 1.2GHz single-core processor, 3MP camera with LED flash and 1500 mAh battery. Other details about the device are thin but we will update you as soon as we unearth them.
#SAMSUNGgalaxyACENXT SMG313H now in stock Rs.7399/- only (MAHESHTELECOM Offer - additional 400/- discount on 7399/-)
— Manish Khatri (@MAHESHTELECOM) July 11, 2014
Samsung Galaxy Ace NXT (G313H) Specifications
- 4 inch TFT LCD display, 800 x 480 pixels
- 1.2GHz single-core processor
- 3MP rear-facing primary camera, LED flash
- Dual SIM, 21Mb/s HSDPA, Wi-Fi b/g/n, Bluetooth, GPS, GLONASS
- 1500 mAh battery
Of late, Samsung has been launching a lot of entry-level smartphones in India. Could this due to low sales of the Galaxy S5? Further, devices like Motorola Moto G, Asus ZenFone and Xiaomi Mi3 are leaving Samsung smartphones in the dust when it comes to specifications as well as performance.