Reliance Jio, India's number one telecom operator, is also the biggest fixed-broadband player in the country now. The telco has been achieving new and higher milestones as the years pass by. Within a very short span, Jio became one of the renowned brands globally. It has the largest subscriber base and market share in wireless services. Now, even in the fixed-broadband segment, Jio has toppled BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) and become the country's largest internet service provider (ISP). The data of the subscribers was shared by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in its recent monthly performance indicator report.
Reliance Jio had 28.31% of the wireline market share, while BSNL had 27.46% of the wireline market share. BSNL is now in the second position. Airtel is in the third position with 23.86% of the market share. Here are a few reasons why Jio became the number one fixed-broadband player in the country.
Reasons Why Jio Became India's Number Fixed-Broadband Player
Reliance Jio has built a strong brand presence amongst the masses. The reason why Jio has been so successful in its fiber broadband services is its innovative offerings. First of all, JioFiber, the fixed-line broadband arm of Reliance Jio, offers more affordable services compared to its competitors, including Airtel Xstream Fiber and BSNL Bharat Fibre. Moreover, the reach of Jio's fibre network is expanding very fast as the company has been able to generate profits and free cash flows every quarter.
Customers are also leaning more towards JioFiber because the company offers a lot of OTT (over-the-top) with its prepaid broadband plans starting from Rs 999 per month, along with a free Jio Set-Top Box (STB). JioFiber's postpaid broadband plans are also a great option for consumers as they can get OTT benefits at more affordable monthly costs. The most important thing is that JioFiber's customer care team is also fast to respond to customers' queries. The company has built a lot of goodwill in the last few years, and now it is paying off.