Reliance Jio has launched 5G in India. Its 5G has been branded True 5G. It is because Jio is deploying 5G SA (standalone). Now, this is something we will talk a lot more about in the future. For now, it is important to understand what you need to absolutely do in order to get the invite from Jio to use its 5G services. Reliance Jio has launched 5G in five cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, and Varanasi. Users in these cities are only going to get the 5G invites from Jio. But not every customer of the telco is going to get the invite. If you want it, then you need to keep a few things in mind. Here's everything that you need to know about this.
Reliance Jio 5G: What to do to Get the Invite?
Reliance Jio has launched its 5G network services in India in five cities in an invite-only manner. Jio is only giving it to users who get the Rs 239 plan at least. This is applicable for both prepaid as well as postpaid users. Jio users under Rs 239 plan would not get the invite from the telco. So if you are on any plan under Rs 239, then you will have to go for the Rs 239 plan or higher to get the invite from the telco.
Reliance Jio 5G: Do You Have an Appropriate Phone?
Reliance Jio's 5G network services are going to be working on phones which have the support for 5G SA. Not every smartphone in the country supports that right now. However, in the coming days, most mobile manufacturers will have rolled out the support for Jio's 5G for their devices. Reliance Jio's 5G already works on OnePlus recent flagships, Nothing Phone 1 and more.
Right now, not a lot of customers have experienced Jio's 5G yet. While at the same time, Bharti Airtel has said that it got more than 1 million unique users on its 5G network in less than 30 days.
Further, in Nathdwara, Jio has launched 5G-powered Wi-Fi services. It is not 5G mobile services like in the other cities. So there's no scope for getting an invitation over there.