Motorola has launched its steeply priced Moto G6 Plus smartphone in India today. The Moto G6 Plus, which made its debut in Brazil back in April 2018 has finally made its way to the Indian market, although at a price of Rs 22,449. At that price, the Moto G6 Plus is already out of the race in the sub-continent because there are much better options such as the Nokia 6.1 Plus, Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro, Xiaomi Mi A2, Xiaomi Poco F1, Honor Play, etc. at much lower prices. The highlights of Moto G6 Plus include good build quality, capable cameras at least on paper and stock Android.
Motorola Moto G6 Plus Specifications and Features
Starting off with the display, the Moto G6 Plus flaunts a 5.7-inch Max Vision Full HD+ display on the front with 18:9 aspect ratio. The G6 Plus has a glass back, same as the Moto G6. Internally, it has the Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 chipset, clubbed with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage. The phone also has a microSD card slot for storage expansion up to 256GB. The device measures 8mm in thickness and measures 168 grams in weight.
Software side of things, the Moto G6 Plus runs a stock version of Android 8.1 Oreo out of the box. The phone even offers features such as Moto Display and Night Mode. Motorola has also added Water repellent nano-coating inside and out of the Moto G6 Plus. The phone has a USB Type-C port, 3.5mm headphone jack and comes in a single Indigo Black colour option.
Optics on the Moto G6 Plus include a 12MP primary shooter on the rear with f/1.7 aperture and Dual autofocus Pixel technology. There' a secondary 5MP depth sensor as well. The rear camera is capable of recording up to 4K Ultra HD videos, and the camera app also has functionalities such as time-lapse video, slow-motion video. On the front side, the device has a 16MP shooter which is capable of recording 1080p videos at 30fps. Other camera app features include landmark recognition, object recognition, text scanner, portrait mode, spot colour, face filters, panorama and manual mode.
The Moto G6 Plus has is a dual-SIM smartphone and connectivity options on the handset include 4G LTE, VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 ac, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS and USB Type-C port resides on the bottom. The phone is backed by a 3200mAh battery with Motorola's Turbo Charge technology.
Motorola Moto G6 Plus Pricing and Availability
The Moto G6 Plus' price in India has been set as Rs 22,499. The phone can be purchased exclusively on Amazon and across all the Moto Hub offline stores in the country. Users can start purchasing the device today.
Motorola Moto G6 Plus Competitors in India
Going by the asking price, the Moto G6 Plus will compete with the likes of Xiaomi Poco F1 and Honor Play, both sport superior hardware. The Poco F1 has the much powerful Snapdragon 845 chipset and the base variant priced at Rs 20,999 offers 6GB of RAM, 64GB of onboard storage. The Honor Play which has the Kirin 970 chipset comes at a price of Rs 19,999 and offers 4GB of RAM, 64GB of internal storage.