LG Electronics the leading Mobile Phone maker, introduces its first Android based handset LG GW620 in India at Rs.16490.
The smart phone LG GW620 featured with full 3.0 inch touch-screen and a side slider QWERTY Keyboard, 5 MP camera, Wi-Fi, High Speed HSDPA up to7.2 Mbps, EDGE, GPS connectivity and inbuilt memory166 MB and expandable Memory up to 32 GB.
With the LG GW620 one can personalize their phone with a series of apps to suit him, from news and weather apps, to games apps, and your favorite social networking apps including Facebook and Twitter. With a slide out 5-line QWERTY keypad, just like a pocket PC, and status updates from all your social networking sites in real time, you will be able to keep in touch with your friends more quickly and easily.
The LG GW620 menu offers a dual boot option. User can have the standard Android menu option, or can use LG’s S-Class interface in which the menu is grouped into elements like communication and multimedia. The phone also equipped with Moxier suite wherein one can get corporate access to calendars and contacts on the phone as well as Word, Excel and PDF files on handset.