Lephone, the Chinese brand today launched a new smartphone under its child brand Dazen. Dubbed as the Dazen 6A, the smartphone comes with a USB Type-C port, 18:9 display, dual rear cameras and more at Rs 7,999. The company is also offering one-time screen replacement within 100 days from the date of purchase. The smartphone also comes with a fingerprint scanner, Face Unlock feature, quad-core processor and a 3000mAh battery. However, the major letdown for the handset is it boots Android 7.0 Nougat out of the box. Also, the Dazen brand has been created exclusively for the Indian market to take on the likes of Xiaomi's Redmi brand and Oppo's newly created Realme brand.
The Dazen 6A will be available exclusively in the offline market at Rs 7,999, which is the same price as the 2GB RAM Xiaomi Redmi 5. The handset boasts a 5.7-inch 18:9 display with HD+ resolution and 2.5D curved glass on top. Internally, it's powered by the MediaTek MT6737H chipset which works in tandem with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. A microSD card slot is also present inside the smartphone which helps in expanding the storage up to 128GB.
The Lephone Dazen 6A has a 3000mAh battery inside, and the fingerprint scanner is placed on the rear side. The smartphone also offers Face Unlock functionality, which has become a standard feature in most of the smartphones releasing these days. Additionally, the Dazen 6A's fingerprint scanner can be used to pick calls and click pictures.
Moving onto the cameras, the Dazen 6A is equipped with a 13MP primary camera to the back, paired with a 0.3MP secondary camera. As seen with other smartphones in the price range, the secondary sensor captured the depth information and adds a nice background bokeh effect. The phone also boasts a 5MP shooter on the front. The phone is topped with connectivity options like 4G LTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth, FM and a USB Type C port. Sensors in the handset include proximity, gyroscope and magnetometer. The phone runs Android 7.0 Nougat out of the box.