Lenovo had launched the Lenovo Vibe Z last year and it is readying up the successor of the popular smartphone. The successor of the device will be named the Z2 Pro and it has just been leaked in China. The smartphone will have a 6 inch quad HD display (2560 x 1440 pixels). At the heart of the device will be a quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor from Qualcomm which will be clocked at 2.5 GHz.
Thickness of the smartphone as per the leak will be 7.7 mm which is quite good for a device this big. The smartphone will come with a minimum bezel and will have a metallic body so it might just be on the heavier side of things. At the back of the device will be a 16MP camera with Optical Image Stabilisation but the the resolution of the front camera is unknown.
It will get NFC and 4G in addition to the usual connectivity options and a powerful 4,000 mAh battery will be juicing things up for the device. It may be announced in the coming few weeks in China with the global roll out expected to begin post that. Seeing the fact that Lenovo priced the Vibe Z in India at a price a little under the other flagships, it may follow the same policy for Z2 Pro and give it a price tag of a shade under Rs 40,000.