Telecom operator Idea Cellular today announced its partnership with domestic handset brand Karbonn to offer up to Rs 2,000 cashback on select Karbonn 4G smartphones and feature phones. Starting February 1, 2018, the Karbonn A41 Power and A9 Indian smartphone buyers will receive up to Rs 1,500, while the Karbonn Yuva 2 users will get up to Rs 2,000 cashback. This will bring down the price of the smartphones. Also, Karbonn will provide cashback of up to Rs 1,000 on Karbonn K310n, K24+ and K9 Jumbo feature phones.
Idea Cashback Offer on Smartphones
As stated, Idea Cellular is offering cashback on three Karbonn smartphones. With a cashback of Rs 1,500 on Karbonn A41 Power and A9 Indian which are originally priced at Rs 2,999 and Rs 3,699, the effective price comes down by half for Idea customers. Cashback of Rs 500 will be credited to the customer's Idea Money wallet at the end of 18 months, while the remaining Rs 1,000 will be done at the end of 36 months.
Idea is also offering a cashback of Rs 2,000 on Yuva 2 (priced at Rs. 4,999) which will reduce the cost of ownership of the 4G smartphone to just Rs 2,999. Customers will get Rs 500 cashback at the end of 18 months and the balance Rs 1,500 at the end of 36 months.
To avail the cashback on A41 Power, A9 Indian and Yuva 2 smartphones, customers need to have a cumulative recharge value of Rs 3,000 for the first 18 months and the same amount during the next 18 months period. Idea customers can recharge with Rs 169 tariff plan which offers them unlimited local & STD calls including roaming calls, 1GB data per day, and 100 SMS per day for 28 days.
Idea Cashback Offer on Feature Phones
Apart from smartphones, Idea Cellular is also providing up to Rs 1,000 cashback on three Karbonn feature phones- the Karbonn K310n, K24+ and K9 Jumbo, which are priced at Rs 999, Rs 1,199 and Rs 1,399 respectively. Idea says that the Karbonn K310n will be effectively free for Idea customers after 36 months.
For availing the offer on feature phones, Idea customers need to do a cumulative recharge of Rs 2,700 in the first 18 months to get cashback of Rs. 500, and another Rs 2,700 between 19-36 months to get the remaining Rs 500. Cashback will be credited to the customer's main account as talk time.
Idea Cellular has introduced a special recharge plan of Rs 145 for these feature phones, which provides them unlimited voice calls, 500 SMS and 500MB of data for 28 days.