Google Is Releasing Android 12 Beta 2.1 to Fix Beta Build Bugs

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Android 12

Google had recently announced the next version of Android, Android 12 during its Spring showcase and, in doing so, had mentioned that some devices would soon be getting the beta build, primary of those being Pixels.

At the start of the month of June, we got to see some of the biggest features touted to accompany the next version of the Android operating system, including the new Privacy Dashboard and the cool context-based theming system that can make changes on the basis of the colours and tones present in the wallpaper.

Since then, the Android 12 Beta 2 has been successful in bringing some of these features, but, they were accompanied by stability problems that, if you are a new beta build user, will not be the most appealing experience for such a cool behind-the-scenes look at the next version of Android.

Today, Google announced that it is rolling out a minor update to the Android 12 Beta 2, with the name Beta 2.1. In case you are already on the Beta build, a notification should prompt you to download the latest update and, if you are new to the programme or want to be a beta tester, then the latest update will be the one that Google provides to the new user.

In terms of what the build fixes, it primarily addresses the issues in relation to the lock screen, considering how many users were facing issues when it came to swiping tasks on the lock screen.

Some of these issues resulted in the dropping of the notification panel, swiping away of notifications and, at times automatic unlocking of the device. This will no longer occur, thanks to the latest update.

Android 12 Beta 2.1: Complete Changelog

1. Fixed an issue where after taking Beta and resetting the device, some users are were stuck on setup wizard (Issue #190082536).

2. Fixed an issue preventing users from accessing things on the lock screen. For example, swiping down for the notification shade, swiping away notifications, or swiping up to unlock the phone. (Issue #190702454)

3. Fixed an issue that can sometimes cause flickering or jittery animations when accessing recent apps with gesture navigation.

4. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused microphone and camera permission indicators to get stuck and disappear until the phone was rebooted.

5, Fixed an issue whilst using the Android Emulator with an Android Virtual Device (AVD) running Android 12 that prevented the AVD from connecting to the internet.

6.Fixed issues that resulted in information such as weather and calendar events to not appear in the At a Glance widget on the home screen or lock screen. (Issue #190700432, Issue #190644743)

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Shloke is your go-to guy when it comes to consumer tech. Specializing in In-Depth pieces, he's also getting to grips with Telecom. His hobbies consist of Formula One and Gaming.

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