Bharti Airtel has come up with two new special offers of Rs. 3,200 and Rs. 4,000 for the customers who purchase a new Airtel 4G Hotspot. Airtel is currently running the campaign in the offline market, so the offer is available only at some retail stores. Under the new Rs. 3,200 special offer, Airtel is providing 10GB of 4G data per month for three months along with a free hotspot device.
There’s another special offer of Rs. 4,000 under which customers will get 6GB of 4G data per month for six months along with a free hotspot device. Mostly, Airtel is trying to attract customers by offering free hotspot device under the name of special offers. In reality, though, the Rs. 3,200 comes bundled with the standard Rs. 999 plan that offers 10GB data per month. Whereas the Rs. 4,000 offer comes bundled with Rs. 650 pack which offers 6GB data per month.
If you subscribe for either of the 3-month or 6-month plans, you will get a free Airtel 4G Hotspot device. Also, do make a note that after the 3-month and 6-month expiry period, Airtel will charge Rs. 999 and Rs. 650 per month for the same amount of data.
Airtel also has other 4G Hotspot plans starting at Rs. 450 for 4GB per month which go up to Rs. 4000 for 60GB 4G data per month. Airtel recently started offering double data on all the 4G Hotspot plans to combat Reliance Jio and its JioFi hotspot device.
Tariff plans aside, both Airtel and Reliance Jio are battling against each other in other aspects as well. Recently, Airtel was rated as the India’s fastest telecom network by credible speed test app, Ookla and ran a TV campaign stating the same. But, Reliance Jio who is at the receiving end didn’t accept this at all and raised a complaint against Airtel and Ookla.
However, Airtel and Ookla hit back strongly at Jio saying that these allegations are misleading ones to their consumers. Ookla also confirmed that they would be backing Airtel on this issue and will stick to their rating labelling Airtel, the fastest telecom operator in India.