Apple has seen smartphone market share growth in double digits in CY2024. Apple's market share in 2024 was 7% in the Indian smartphone market, as per data from CyberMedia Research (first shared by IANS). According to the data, iPhones saw a 23% growth YoY in market share while the iPads saw an impressive 44% growth. The growth in market share can be attributed to the rising premiumisation trend in small towns and cities along with a push by Apple in domestic manufacturing and retail expansion.
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The average selling price (ASP) of smartphones in India is expected to surpass $300 for the first time in 2025 said a Counterpoint Research report. This would help India's smartphone market to surpass $50 billion in value during the year.
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iPhones are still aspirational smartphones in India and they are witnessing growth in demand from Tier-2 and Tier-3 towns as well now. Apple is also looking to scale manufacturing of iPhones locally in India. The company has also benefitted by the government's PLI (Production Linked Incentive) scheme. Apple has also opened retail stores in India in Mumbai and Delhi, which has also helped the brand in boosting sales.