In a recent development, the subsidiary of the company Anker has launched the AnkerWork PowerConf C300 webcam in India. The latest webcam can record full-HD videos with 1080p quality at 60fps. The latest recording device offers an uncomplicated clip for a secure grip and offers an easy plug and play feature. The latest AnkerWork PowerConf C300 webcam supports connectivity with USB Type-A and Type C ports. In addition to this, Zoom, one of the leading online video-calling platforms, has approved of the latest device as it meets the professional standards for picture, quality, colour, and clarity. Moreover, as the webcam support AI (Artificial Intelligence), it comes with features such as AI framing, AI exposure and AI colour adjustment.
Specifications of AnkerWork PowerConf C300
As mentioned above, AnkerWork PowerConf C300 is a full HD recording camera that can record at a frame rate of 60fps. One of the interesting AI features it offers is the AI Framing using which the device automatically adjusts the field view depending on the number of people the webcam can detect. The company claims that its AI Colour adjustment feature is capable of ensuring adequate lightning when there are inconsistent conditions. It is said that AnkerWork PowerConf C300 can balance out skin tones or contrast to give a better result despite how the lighting in the room is. In addition to this, AnkerWork PowerConf C300 comes with an HDR technology which, when combined with the AI Exposure feature, is capable of focusing on people or objects within 0.35 seconds. Users can experience a flicker-free operation with the webcam thanks to its AI technology.
Talking about the audio aspect, AnkerWork PowerConf C300 is equipped with dual ultra-sensitive microphones. Users can experience video calls without getting disturbed by background noise, all credit to its Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) feature. AnkerWork PowerConf C300 offers adjustable field view options along with four unique angles to set up the webcam. The webcam can even be set on a tripod.
Price of AnkerWork PowerConf C300
The press release from the company has confirmed that the latest AnkerWork PowerConf C300 will be priced in India at Rs 9,999 at launch. Users can get their hands on the latest webcam at both online and offline retail stores. As of now, the gadget is available at Amazon with a price tag of Rs 8,999.