Amazon has announced a new streaming service in India called the Amazon miniTV. According to the company, the service is a free ad-supported OTT platform that will feature content like web series, tech, lifestyle, food videos, comedy content, and a lot more among others. The company suggests that the Amazon miniTV service will be available within the Amazon app and you needn’t have to download anything separately. Do note that the service will be initially available for Android devices only and the iOS and mobile web version is said to go live in the upcoming month. The company is yet to reveal any specific date.
How to Get Access for Amazon miniTV Service
The company claims that the Amazon miniTV service is already available on the Android app. Here’s how you can watch content on Amazon miniTV.
- First, you need to open the Amazon App on your Android device.
- You need to scroll a little down to see the banner.
- Tap on the miniTV screen and you will be redirected to a new window.
- Here, you can see a wide range of shows in different categories.
- You can see a proper app interface with a home screen.
- You can select content from tabs like comedy, lifestyle and web series to watch.
- Select the show and enjoy your content without even paying for the subscription.
The company claims it has invited popular YouTube content creators to create content for the miniTV platform. It has also joined hands with popular studios like TVF, Pocket Aces, and popular comedians like Shruti Arjun Anand, Elvish Yadav, Prajakta Koli, Ashish Chanchlani, Amit Bhadana, Round2Hell, Harsh Beniwal, and more.
Besides, the service will also offer tech shows from Trakin Tech, fashion and beauty videos from Sejal Kumar, Malvika Sitlani, and more. If you’re interested in cooking then you can also watch your favourite recipes from Kabita’s Kitchen, Cook with Nisha, and more. Amazon India suggests that the company is planning to add some exclusive content to the platform in the upcoming days. It seems that Amazon has launched the miniTV service aiming to take on YouTube, it would be interesting to see how it performs.