Bharti Airtel, India’s leading telecom network today lodged a complaint against a person in Gurgaon police station saying as the person is allegedly claiming that the telecom network is running a ‘malicious’ campaign, which in return is benefitting another incumbent operator in the country.
In the same complaint, Airtel said that they had received more than 3000 emails from the sender with the subject as ‘Oppose Airtel from Misleading Consumers.' However, Airtel did not reveal the telecom operator who is getting benefitted by doing this stuff, claims Economic Times.
Airtel also said that these emails are being sent from a domain named ‘' which was registered on January 9. “On going through the contents of the email, it is evident that the sender of the email desires to malign Bharti Airtel's brand name by initiating a motivated complaint about the services provided by Bharti Airtel Limited, Idea and Vodafone to TRAI,” said Airtel.
Airtel further stated as: “ “On further internal investigation we found that the domain "" has a digital certificate registered in the name of `shailendra@vaishnaviitin'. It was further discovered that the same email address is used for obtaining digital certificates for other domains including the domain and,”.
The company revealed that the emails are being sent by Mr. Shailendra S Jha, who is associated with All said, Airtel is now demanding a severe police investigation regarding this issue, and it will be interesting to see who is behind this campaign.
What do you think of this issue? Will this move hamper brand image of Airtel in the country? Let us know in the comments section below.