Bharti Airtel recently announced the 'Airtel 5G Plus' for citizens in eight cities in India. This means that the sites where Airtel has deployed its 5G will now be available for users to connect with. Note that only users who already own a 5G smartphone and a 4G SIM would be able to connect with the telco's 5G networks. To ensure that your smartphone is connecting to the 5G network, switch on the 5G settings of the device. Ookla, a global leader in network intelligence and insights, has shared the median speeds delivered by Airtel's test 5G networks since June 2022. Ookla has shared the median speed data of Airtel's 5G networks for four cities where Jio is also present; let's take a look.
Airtel 5G Download Speed in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Varanasi
Bharti Airtel's 5G network in Delhi could deliver a median download speed of 197.98 Mbps in Delhi, 33.83 Mbps in Kolkata, 271.07 Mbps in Mumbai and 516.57 Mbps in Varanasi. It is only in Mumbai and Varanasi that we are seeing something that's really exceptional in terms of median download speeds from Airtel.
The telco is deploying 5G in the 3.5 GHz band for the users. Right now, all the smartphones don't support 5G connectivity from Bharti Airtel. To know which smartphones support Airtel's 5G, refer to this list.
Bharti Airtel 5G Speed Test at IMC 2022
We also did a 5G speed test of Bharti Airtel at the recently concluded India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2022. We used the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra for the speed test, and to check it out - click here.
If you want to check whether your smartphone supports Airtel's 5G network via the Airtel Thanks app, click here to learn how. Airtel will soon expand its 5G networks to other parts of the country. You can follow TelecomTalk to stay updated with the developments.