Google and Apple have released the initial version of their contact tracing technology to fight the deadly Covid-19 which has disrupted the entire world. Both the tech giants have said that nearly 23 countries have shown interest in the technology developed to stop the spread of COVID-19. However, Aarogya Setu app developed by the Indian government might not work with the latest contact tracing standard, which has been developed by Google and Apple. Though Aarogya Setu app has been downloaded over ten crore times, still some of the features might not work with Google and Apple’s privacy system.
Location Tracking is Not Present in Technology Developed by Google and Apple
The technology designed by Google and Apple does not track the location of the users whereas Aarogya Setu app has the location tracking feature. Also, users can disable the contract tracing feature in technology developed by Google and Apple by uninstalling the app or disabling the exposure notification. Aarogya Setu app has been criticised for privacy concerns. However, the government of India has denied all the concerns, and it is against disabling the location data tracking in Aarogya Setu app.
Private Data Will be Not Be Shared with Public Authorities: Google and Apple
Google and Apple have strictly marked that other than random Bluetooth identifiers no private data of users will be shared with the public authorities. The private data of the users will only be shared in case if the user is tested positive for Covid-19 or they will come near Covid-19 infected persons.
Aarogya Setu App Mandatory for Air Travel
Government of India has made the Aarogya Setu app mandatory for the government employees. Also, people who are residing in the red zone have been advised to download the contact tracing app have saved themselves from the deadly virus. Indians can expect that the government will make Aarogya Setu app mandatory for air travel in India. If Aarogya Setu app is made compulsory, India will become the second nation after China, which will make a mobile app compulsory for Air travel. The government is awaiting the final confirmation from the Civil Aviation Ministry to make Aarogya Setu app mandatory for air travel in India.