Bharti Airtel is now after the trendy Hello Tunes department as it seems like Airtel users are interested in setting up Hello Tunes to their prepaid numbers. After introducing the Rs 219 prepaid plan, Airtel has now come up with a Rs 129 prepaid plan under which it's offering free unlimited voice calls, 1GB of data, 100 SMS per day and more importantly, it comes bundled with Hello Tunes pack. This plan offers benefits in-line with the Rs 93 which Airtel offered to select users in the past, but the price of the same plan is now changed to Rs 99, and in some circles, it's being offered as an open market one.
Airtel's all-new Rs 129 prepaid plan gives unlimited voice calls without any FUP limit even on roaming, 100 SMS per day, 1GB of 4G data and free Airtel Hello Tunes subscription for the validity of 28 days. The addition of Hello Tunes subscription increases the price of the plan to Rs 129. Aforementioned, Airtel is offering a similar plan of Rs 99 which gives the user unlimited voice calls, 100 SMS per day and 1GB of 4G data for 28 days, but the plan misses out on the Hello Tunes subscription part, which is the reason why Airtel has come up with the new Rs 129 plan.
Very recently, Airtel unveiled a Rs 219 plan with 1.4GB data per day on offer, unlimited voice calls, 100 SMS per day and Hello Tunes subscription for 28 days. It's the same Rs 199 plan with the addition of Hello Tunes subscription benefit. Like always, the Rs 129 plan from Bharti Airtel is valid only for select users at the moment and Airtel is not expected to launch it as an open market plan like the Rs 219 plan because Airtel never offered the Rs 99 plan as an open market pan-India plan.
After focusing on data tariff plans for a while, Airtel's focus has now shifted towards the Hello Tunes segment. Maybe the company is looking to improve its Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) by bundling the Hello Tunes pack because Airtel reported a rather poor ARPU of Rs 116 in the Q4 FY18 a couple of days ago. When compared to Jio's ARPU, Airtel's ARPU is more than Rs 20 less.
If a user wants to subscribe the Hello Tunes pack separately, they will be charged Rs 36 for 28 days and Rs 146 for six months. But with the Rs 129, Rs 219 plans, Airtel is bundling the Hello Tunes pack. To be noted, Jio is offering JioTune service free for all the users.