Chinese smartphone company Xiaomi is planning to launch its latest flagship smartphone at an event on January 15 at the National Conference Centre in Beijing. The company has also released a teaser image, which indicates that the device will be super thin.
According to a report, a Xiaomi representative had said, "that the company's upcoming flagship device will be thinner than cicada insect's wing",he said. Though, even we have no idea about the thickness of the aforementioned insect 'Cicada', but we did some research and got you the image of that insect (below)
While the hardware and software specifications of the device are still under wraps, Manu Jain, head of Xiaomi India, has mentioned earlier, that the company has plans to reduce the lag time between China and India launch as India is Xiaomi's second largest market after China. In the year 2014, Xiaomi sold 61.12 million smartphone handsets globally, surpassing its own target of 40 million devices.
The year 2015 is going to be an interesting one for the company, at least in India. Recently, it had tied up with Airtel to sell Redmi Note 4G, thus entering the retail market for the first time. Previously, the company used to sell its devices on Flipkart via flash sale. Opening up its stock to retail outlets, opens up Xiaomi to more customers, who are not accustomed to shopping online.