People will soon be able to use 5G on their smartphones as Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the technology in India, starting with the major cities. Vi will shortly launch its 5G services, and Reliance Jio and Airtel have already launched their 5G services. Let's examine what a 5G network is specifically and other information.
What Is 5G?
5G is the most recent network standard that provides users with a more consistent user experience, ultra-low latency, higher reliability, a big network capacity, and increased availability. Low-band, mid-band, or high-band millimetre-wave 24 GHz to 54 GHz are all viable options for 5G deployment. Mid-band 5G uses mmWaves between 1.7 GHz and 4.7 GHz, high-band 5G uses frequencies of 24-47 GHz, and low-band 5G uses frequencies in the same range as 4G between 600 Mhz and 900 Mhz. By the end of July, an auction for a total of 72097.85 MHz of spectrum in India with a 20-year validity period would be held.
Will 5G Require a New SIM Card?
To use 5G services in India, you won't require a 5G SIM card. 5G SIM cards will soon be made available by telecom providers. Airtel and Vi will first offer 5G connection using 4G LTE because they both adopt the 5G NSA standard. Jio has also made it clear that users don't need to upgrade to a 5G SIM and may still experience 5G connectivity with their existing SIM card.
What 5G Plans Are Available in India?
Jio and Airtel have not yet made public their 5G plans for India. For the initial batch of 5G clients, the Jio Welcome Offer includes unlimited 5G data at rates of up to 1 Gbps. Airtel customers can use 5G in the meanwhile with their current data plans. When the 5G network is ready in more areas, Jio and Airtel will both reveal their 5G plans later in the future.
How Do I Activate 5G?
Since only Airtel and Jio have launched their 5G networks, you must download the Airtel Thanks and My Jio apps in order to activate 5G access on your phone. Once inside the app, you can tap the 5G banner to see if the service is offered in your area.