Exclusive : MTNL to Say Bye Bye 512Kbps Speed, Hello to Minimum 1Mbps Speed and More on Broadband for All

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Finally here is a great news for Broadband Subscribers in Mumbai, India’s third largest Broadband Service provider Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) all set to Say Bye Bye to 512 Kbps speed on Broadband.

MTNL Broadband

TelecomTalk’s exclusive sources confirms that MTNL is going to upgrade the speed of all its existing Unlimited Broadband plans (512Kbps) to a minimum of 1Mbps, without any additional cost in Mumbai circles.

Currently, existing MTNL Broadband customers who are using Truly Unlimited broadband plan without any Fair Usage Policy (FUP) with 512 Kbps  would have their plans upgraded to a minimum speed of 1 Mbps, while those on more than 1Mbps and some other plans would have to get more speed (or more free data usage under 2Mbps Plans) from their current plan.

It is significant to say that still minimum speed for Broadband is 256Kbps as defined by sector regulator TRAI, however MTNL is already providing double speed - 512 Kbps as minimum speed in all Broadband plans since  January 26, 2012.

So now what do you think regarding the new free Speed Up-gradation for Broadband customers by MTNL ? Do you think other operators will also follow MTNL’s move ? what is your take do let us know via comments.

MTNL's  "Broadband Redefined" announcement by its Chairman and MD, AK Garg,  would happens in today afternoon in an Media Event at MTNL Headquarter in Mumbai.  We will be at the event and for LIVE updates follow @TelecomTalk in twitter.

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