YouTube Music went official in India earlier this month. Alongside YouTube Music, the company also launched YouTube Premium in the country. To recollect, both the YouTube Music and YouTube Premium were launched in the international markets back in the month of June 2018. Most people think YouTube Music steam online music content but that isn't the case. YouTube Music also allows users to play songs stored locally. This means YouTube Music will let users play the songs that they have stored on their personal devices. The playing locally stored audio files feature is available only for the Android users though. It is worth noting the YouTube Music app doesn't support in-app local media playback as of yet. Some of the media reports predict that with YouTube Music Google may be planning to replace Google Play Music in the near future.
How to Play Locally Stored Music Files on YouTube Music
The playing locally stored music files feature is currently available in YouTube Music version v.3.07.52 and the latest version v.3.07.54. This feature has been spotted by Android Police first. It is worth noting that Google hasn't mentioned the same feature in the changelog on the Google Play Store.
If you use Google Play Music, you'll know that the app lets users play local audio files within the app itself. This is a feature that YouTube Music doesn't support as of yet. But at least the YouTube Music app can now play songs locally stored. Users can use YouTube Music as an app to open music files from file managers and play it. It is worth noting that YouTube Music only support select audio formats including MP3, Ogg, FLAC, and WAV. One of the best things about YouTube Music is that when a user plays a song in Google Play Music, the YouTube Music will start the same song from the same point where Google Play Music left off.
So how can you play locally stored music files on YouTube Music? Follow this process. First, you'll need to click a downloaded audio file via an app or a file manager on your device. Second, you'll need to open the audio file in YouTube Music. Third, you'll see a small music player logo on the screen along with YouTube Music branding. Fourth, allow YouTube Music access to locally stored files. Fifth, you're now good to go.
In India, the standard YouTube Music version comes for free but supports ads. However, this is not the case with YouTube Premium. The YouTube Premium is ad-free service but to get access to that the users will need to pay. The interested users will need to pay Rs 129 per month to use YouTube Premium.