Xiaomi finally introduced its Desh Ka Smartphone, the Redmi 5A today. The company has priced the base variant of the smartphone at just Rs 4,999 for the first five million units. And to make the offer more luring, Xiaomi has partnered with another company who is already making India digital. Yes, we're speaking about Reliance Jio itself.
Xiaomi has partnered with Reliance Jio and announced a new offer dubbed 'Better Together.' Under the offer, Redmi 5A buyers will get additional Rs 1000 cashback, which brings the device's price to just Rs 3,999. But there's a catch.
Especially for the Xiaomi Redmi 5A users, Reliance Jio has introduced a new tariff plan of Rs 199, which offers 1GB data per day, unlimited voice calls without any limit, and unlimited SMS for 28 days.
So, the customers have to recharge continuously for 12 months to get the total cashback of Rs 1,000. Also, the cashback is not in the form of direct money. Instead, customers will get Rs 100 worth 10 cashback vouchers at the end of 12 months, given that the customer recharged with the Rs 199 every month till date.
The cashback vouchers will be credited to the customers' Jio account, which will be visible under My Vouchers section in MyJio app. If a customer receives the cashback vouchers, he/she can use them to recharge Jio tariff plan worth Rs 309 and above. Also, a customer can redeem the Rs 100 voucher on Rs 201 and above data-on. Also, the cashback vouchers should be redeemed before November 30, 2017.
There are some more catches with the offer. To be eligible for the offer, a customer must do the first recharge on the Redmi 5A, meaning you should get a new Reliance Jio 4G SIM card to get the Rs 1000 cashback vouchers. And a customer must recharge between December 5, 2017, and November 30, 2018.
The Xiaomi Redmi 5A is priced at Rs 4,999 for the base 2GB RAM variant and Rs 6,999 for the 3GB RAM variant. The device will be up for sale on Flipkart, Mi Homes, and Mi.com on December 7, 2017. Already, the Redmi 5A's price is attractive, and with this offer, Xiaomi is helping Reliance Jio to build its customer base.