Back at the launch of Redmi Note 4 in India, Xiaomi said that it would roll out the Android Nougat update to the smartphone in the country soon. And it took Xiaomi six months to update the Note 4 with stable build of Android Nougat. Yes, you heard it right. Chinese brand Xiaomi is pushing the MIUI based on Android 7.0 Nougat in India.
The MIUI update brings some new features to the Note 4. However, the much anticipated split-screen mode doesn't come with the update though. Maybe, Xiaomi will release the split-screen feature for Redmi Note 4 only with the MIUI 9 update. Coming to the MIUI update, it weighs 1.3GB and brings along the July Android security patch fixes.
Furthermore, it is said that the update is being rolled out in a phased manner, and you may or may not receive it in the next two days. The Chinese variant of the Redmi Note 4 is slated to receive MIUI 9 starting tomorrow. Although a beta version.
Speaking about the feature brought with the update, the Redmi Note 4 now supports exFAT SD cards, and you can separately set up a lock for dual apps. The lock screen content now has more options to choose from, and the Wallpaper Carousel feature received a revision as well.
Xiaomi is bringing a much-asked feature to the OS- pause ongoing backups. Apps such as Music has been overhauled as well, and the interface now automatically sets a countdown for exams, vacations, repayments, etc. by scanning your inbox.
Xiaomi recently said that the Redmi Note 4 is the best selling smartphone in Q2 2017, followed by its sibling Xiaomi Redmi 4. The Redmi Note 4 is a complete value for money option with features such as 5.5-inch Full HD display, Snapdragon 625 chipset, 2GB/3GB/4GB of RAM, 32GB/64GB internal storage.
The Note 4 boasts a 13MP rear camera, along with a 5MP front-facing camera. The smartphone arrived with Android Marshmallow based MIUI 8 update and has a beefy 4100mAh battery powering the entire package.