WhatsApp has made a new announcement saying that users’ data and messages are secured via end-to-end encryption. This announcement comes after the Facebook data leak scandal spread like fire across the world and made people question about their data security online, and how these websites were sharing user’s private information. However, WhatsApp made it official and declared it that nobody in between, even the company itself could not read the messages since the encryption technology made it impossible to do so. This declaration by WhatsApp comes weeks after the messaging platform founder Brian Acton told tweeted recommending people to delete their Facebook accounts. WhatsApp has also developed a special FAQ section for their WhatsApp Business application, keeping in mind the recent developments in the data security debate.
The FAQ section of the Business app quotes "All WhatsApp messages and calls are secured with end-to-end encryption. This ensures only you and the person you're communicating with can read your messages or listen to your calls, and nobody in between, not even WhatsApp."
The end-to-end encryption which has been part of WhatsApp since April 2016, is an integral part of the company’s measures against data misuse. Recently with the launch of the commercialised platform, WhatsApp Business, it has become more essential for the company to ensure the same level of security in the Business app like it does for its mainstream users.
It is notable that even though the messages on the WhatsApp Business platform are end to end encrypted, the company doesn’t ensure the privacy of the messages which are sent from the users to the businesses’ account. Anyone from the business account owners is eligible to read the messages which the user sends, also WhatsApp said that the business which has a WhatsApp account can employ other companies to use the messaging service on their behalf.
The instant messaging platform officially said "The business you're communicating with has a responsibility to ensure that it handles your messages in accordance with its privacy policy. For more information, please contact that business directly."
Therefore it will be upon the users to ascertain that the business with which they are sharing their information, is a trustworthy and reliable one.