In recent times, WhatsApp has been flooded with a lot of spam messages such as 'Get this phone at Rs 999' and so on. And there's no way you can avoid such messages. However, WhatsApp has been trying to reduce the impact of spam messages by rolling out new features every now and then. And in the latest move, WhatsApp has rolled out 'Forwarded,' label feature for Android Beta users. Yes, you heard it right, WhatsApp now distinguishes between a normal message and a forwarded message. For example, you receive a message from another person, and if the person just hit the forward option to send that message, the same message will be labelled as 'Forwarded.' And if you find something suspicious with the forwarded message, you can ignore it altogether.
Here's how the new feature works: Whenever you forward a new feature to someone in your contact list or a group, that message will have a 'forwarded' label on top along with symbol. At the moment, the forwarded message just appear as a normal message, but that's going to change with the future change. Also, this feature will be annoying at times because it lets others know that you're forwarding a message.
To forward a message, a WhatsApp user has to tap and hold the message, then the forward message symbol will appear on the top. Hitting that button will take you to the recent chats list where you can find the contact or group to forward the selected message. Users can also forward multiple messages at the same time. As of writing this article, we did not receive this feature, but several users on Twitter are claiming that they've received this feature and it's working like a charm to them.
As of now, this is the only feature rolled out with the WhatsApp Beta 2.18.179. In other news, the Facebook-owned company is said to roll out WhatsApp Payments feature to its 200 million users in the country, but the plans are halted for now due to privacy concerns. WhatsApp is also testing group voice and video calling features for both Android and iOS users. Some users already received the group calling feature, and the broader rollout is expected to begin in the coming days.