As everyone might be aware of the fact that Vodafone India recently crossed the 200 million subscriber mark, only next of Bharti Airtel, who is still sitting at the top with over 265 million subscribers under their belt. As a part of the celebrations, the company today announced a new scheme called as ‘SuperHour,' where they are offering unlimited 3G/4G data on an hourly basis.
This new scheme will kickstart from tomorrow, January 7 and will be made available to the customers across all circles by Monday, 9th January 2017. Under this new plans, customers can enjoy unlimited data starting at just Rs. 16, whereas they can enjoy voice calls starting at only Rs. 7.
To be precise, every Vodafone user in India can purchase a SuperHour plan every hour and can enjoy unlimited services for the next hour. That said, by recharging with Rs. 16 plan, users can enjoy unlimited 3G/4G data for the next hour. For voice calls, users need to recharge with new Rs. 7 pack to enjoy unlimited voice calls for one hour.
The interesting part is the company even got a plan exclusively for 2G mobile data users. 2G customers can enjoy the SuperHour data offer for only Rs. 5.
Announcing the launch of this path breaking concept,Sandeep Kataria, Chief Commercial Officer, Vodafone India said, “We are breaking all shackles that concern customers in their use of internet with SuperHour You can use and download as much data as you like for one hour at a fixed, nominal price, Moreover, with unrestricted repeat purchase, you can make every hour SuperHour. Our customers are now increasingly consuming more content and video online and with this fantastic SuperHour offer, they will be able to enjoy more of it in a worry free manner while remaining confidently connected on Vodafone SuperNetTM, our best network ever.”
It is also announced that customers can enjoy the SuperHour packs by watching a variety of videos and movies on the operator’s exclusive Vodafone Play app. It is worth noticing that the Vodafone Play subscription is free until March 31, 2017, for every user. For someone who loves multimedia, the SuperHour plans will be a huge bonus.
Furthermore, the SuperHour packs can be purchased via all the digital channels and as well as offline retails channels. Each customer can recharge the SuperHour pack unlimited times a day.