Looks like Vodafone India wants to take the first mover advantage, as per the update in the official portal in Kerala, Karnataka circle which is a non 3G licenced circle the note reads " As per the TDSAT ruling on 29.4.2014, Vodafone can offer 3G services through Intra-circle roaming. All new and existing customers can now subscribe to 3G packs and services offered through intra-circle roaming".
It looks like Vodafone will soon start offering 3G services to all Vodafone Users in its non 3G licensed circle though intra circle roaming.

Prior to this ruling, telecom operators were barred from using other operator's network infrastructure in order to provide 3G services in circles where have not been able to acquire license for. This map shows each and every circle where each telecom operators have acquired license to operate 3G networks. After the new ruling from TDSAT, even though Vodafone didn't acquire 3G license in Karnataka or Kerala circle, it can offer 3G services to its new and existing customers.

Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Idea won 3G spectrum in 13, 9 and 11 circles, respectively, in the 2010 auctions of 3G spectrum, and between them have a national footprint. They subsequently entered into ‘intra-circle roaming’ pacts with each other and rode on the airwaves of their partners in circles where they did not hold spectrum themselves.
Now we have to wait and watch if other operators will follow the same.