Vodafone Idea has silently brought in a new prepaid plan of Rs 209. This plan is priced just Rs 10 above the Rs 199 plan. With the Rs 209 plan, users get the same benefits as the Rs 199 plan. So why offer two similar plans at a different price? It's because of one key difference. The difference is unlimited callertunes.
With the Rs 209 plan, you get unlimited callertunes, while with the Rs 199 plan, you don't. This is the only difference between the two prepaid plans. If a user wants to continously change callertune, then the Rs 209 plan makes sense. Otherwise, the Rs 199 plan is the way to go.
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Vodafone Idea Rs 209 Prepaid Plan Benefits Explained
Vodafone Idea's Rs 209 plan comes with truly unlimited voice calling, 2GB of total data, and 300 SMS. The service validity of the pack is 28 days. With the Rs 199 plan as well, you get 2GB of data, unlimited voice calling, and 300 SMS for 28 days.
The daily average cost of using the Rs 209 plan is Rs 7.46 while the Rs 199 costs Rs 7.11 per day. So there's not any major difference. With the Rs 209 plan, the customer would be paying Rs 10 more only so that he/she can get unlimited callertunes.
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If you want a plan with slightly more validity, then go for the Rs 218 plan from Vi. This plan has a monthly service validity and offers 3GB of data, unlimited voice calling, and 300 SMS. The one month validity means that you will get to use the plan till the same date of the next month without any worries.
There's also a Rs 289 plan for 40 days if you want more validity. The daily cost of using this plan is Rs 7.23, which is actually lower than the daily cost of using the Rs 209 plan.