Vodafone Idea Limited (VIL), the third-largest telecom operator in India, has brought back its Rs 719 prepaid plan. With this plan, users can get active service validity. Before the tariff hikes, there was a Rs 719 plan, but it was later upgraded to cost Rs 859. However, now there's a Rs 719 plan available with reduced benefits. So you can go for either the Rs 859 or the Rs 719 plan as per your budget, which would allow Vi to earn more money from you on a per GB and a per day (active validity) basis, creating a win-win scenario. Let's take a look at the Rs 719 prepaid plan.
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Vodafone Idea Rs 719 Prepaid Plan
Vodafone Idea's Rs 719 prepaid plan comes with truly unlimited voice calling. The plan comes with 1GB of daily data and 100 SMS/day. The speed reduces to 64 Kbps post the consumption of FUP (fair usage policy) data.
Earlier, with the Rs 719 plan, users got 84 days of service validity with 1.5GB of daily data, 100 SMS/day, and unlimited calling. There were also Vi Hero Unlimited benefits. This plan now costs Rs 859.
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One of the biggest things that is missing from the Rs 719 plan is the Vi Hero Unlimited benefits. At this point, we would suggest you that you recharge with the Rs 859 plan instead of the Rs 719 plan if Vi is your default SIM. This is because by paying around Rs 140 more, you will get 12 days of additional validity, more daily data to consume, and Vi Hero Unlimited benefits as well. The price difference of Rs 140 is very nominal, and it is also justifiable as it offers more validity.
The Rs 719 plan is also not a bad deal if you just want to keep your SIM active, and get 1GB of daily data for average browsing needs.