With Bengal’s most awaited annual festival around the corner, Vodafone India has conceptualized an innovative initiative to engage with and delight customers visiting Vodafone stores in Kolkata. With a view to highlight the ongoing Vodafone Doubles campaign which offers double the data / validity and hence double the fun for prepaid subscribers, Vodafone has associated with popular personality Mir, who will tour Vodafone stores in Kolkata in the garb of Lord Shiva, interacting with customers and seeking ideas on the ‘Double the Fun’ proposition.
Extending his Mahalaya greetings to all residents of Kolkata, Anand Sahai, Business Head, Kolkata & Rest of Bengal Circle, Vodafone India said, “Vodafone India as part of its customer connect program is always on the lookout for avenues to create and provide a fun and differentiated experience to its customers. As all of Bengal, gets ready to usher in gaiety and splendour of Durga Puja, we are undertaking this initiative as topical opportunity to engage with our customers as well as showcase the value proposition of Vodafone Double data and Double Validity.
Customers with the best answers will get the opportunity of engaging with Mir, click selfies with him and also receive Vodafone branded goody hampers. Mir will be touring select Vodafone stores in Kolkata, between Mahalaya and Panchami. Vodafone will also felicitate all twins from Kolkata who register by sending a simple SMS to DDB (space) MIR (space) name to 58888. These twins will also get a chance to meet and interact with Mir dressed as Lord Shiva.