Motorola is aggressively teasing the launch of a new variant of Moto X4 in India. The Lenovo-owned company has already said that it would be launching an upgraded variant of the Moto X4 on February 1, and today, it confirmed the key feature of the upcoming variant. The Moto X4 6GB will be launching just a few days from now, and like the earlier two Moto X4 models, it will be up for sale exclusively on Flipkart itself.
Also, the Flipkart landing page for the new Moto X4 has an image with Oreo shake, hinting the new variant will come with Android 8.0 Oreo out of the box. The listing also says 'take a bite of the sweetest experience.' Motorola recently rolled out Android 8.0 Oreo update to the Moto X4 in India, so there won't be any surprise in Motorola touting the feature in the upcoming variant.
The expected price of this Moto X4 6GB is Rs 24,999, considering the other variants price tag. The 3GB RAM and 32GB storage option is available at Rs 20,999, the 4GB RAM and 64GB model is available at Rs 22,999. Hopefully, Motorola doubles the storage to 128GB in this upcoming model.
Right now, under Rs 25,000, there are only a few phones with 6GB of RAM in India. The Oppo F5 6GB is the closest competitor to the upcoming Moto X4 6GB. If Motorola manages to launch the 6GB variant at Rs 23,999, it will be a great deal for many out there, and it might increase the sales of the smartphone too.
Sadly, Motorola is starting the year with a minor launch. But at the end of February during MWC 2018, the company may announce the Moto G6 lineup of smartphones, which will replace the current generation Moto G5 smartphones. Already Motorola smartphones such as Moto G6 Play, Moto E5, E5 Plus are making rounds on the web, suggesting the MWC 2018 launch.