The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is working on an updated DND (Do Not Disturb) app for Indian consumers. The goal of the regulatory body is to deliver the app with a user-friendly experience and more capabilities. Currently, with the DND app, users can flag spam communications (both SMS and calls), however, they can't take any actions such as blocking the communication. The feedback gets sent from the DND app to the service providers who then take action.
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As per an ET report, TRAI is working to see if there's technical feasibility in allowing users to take action directly from the DND app. The DND app is available for consumers as of now. It was launched in 2016 and has received small updates from time to time. However, the upcoming version is about making it easier for users to navigate through the app and also take action.
TRAI wants the new DND app to become the preferred apop for DND registration. If users can directly report and block calls from the DND app, that would be a great functionality. Through the DND app, users can register their preferences with respect to receiving communications (commercial). Unwanted commercial communications can be stopped using the DND app.
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The app also crowdsources the data related to offending messages and calls which helps the service providers in making quick decisions. Along with this, users can also check updates on the compaints they have registered. TRAI's efforts to curb spam communication in India have gone up significantly. Bharti Airtel has also implemented an AI solution on its network to flag users about potential spam calls and messages to keep them safe from scamsters. Other telcos are also working on bringing similar solution to their networks for safeguarding their customers.