One of the most popular texting and chatting applications globally, Telegram is reportedly planning on adding a premium subscription for the users. It is something which could be followed by other chatting apps as well. In the past, we have heard rumours about an alleged Premium tier subscription coming on Telegram. Now, a recognised developer, Alessandro Paluzzi, has revealed some information around the same.
Telegram Premium Subscription Details
It is worth noting that if you download the Telegram application right now, the application will greet you with the message – “Telegram is free forever. No ads. No subscription fees.” However, looking at the recent developments, this could potentially turn out to be wrong.
Alessandro shared on his Twitter profile that Telegram is working on a new ‘Telegram Premium’ plan. This would enable users to unlock additional reactions and more. The developer also shared an image of what the Telegram Premium option would look like on the smartphone.
This could mean that the current reactions and the app features would still be free. But there might be other additional reactions for which users would have to pay to unlock. This is a business model that can be easily adopted by other social media texting applications such as WhatsApp and Signal.
However, it is worth noting that the reactions and stickers are heavily used on Telegram, but not Signal and WhatsApp. Thus, while the premium subscription model for some reactions and more could be followed by other platforms, it just might not be as successful.
Regardless, nothing is confirmed by Telegram itself for now. However, companies such as Telegram could not go on offering free services forever. These companies need a solid revenue model to keep the organisation going. WhatsApp could also bring a premium subscription with an ad-based model for the free version. There were heavy rumours that WhatsApp was working on introducing ads on WhatsApp Stories. It might just come true.