In a letter to DOT, COAI and AUSPI representing all private mobile operators in India raised technical issues of implementing full MNP. On 25th February, TRAI had issues Telecommunication MNP (Sixth Amendment) Regulations, 2015 and stated that full MNP has to be implemented by 3rd May 2015.
As per COAI and ASUPI, the changes required to implement full MNP are complex and across multiple systems and require much more time. In the letter, they have pointed out the following issues with implementing full MNP.
1. Dialing Pattern post MNP
Currently, STD numbers can only be dialed by adding either '0' or '+91' as the prefix. Post full MNP the dialling pattern would be simplified and both STD and local numbers can be dialed with or without any prefix. These changes require configuration modifications in each of the operator nodes, in all circles and testing to ensure that there are no impacts. Therefore, it may take at least 2 months at the operator end to complete this activity.
2. Call forwarding
In current setup, the network checks to bar STD forwarding on the basis of number series. But post full MNP, this check will be redundant and call forwarding to pan-India numbers would be possible. Post full MNP, call forwarding should be opened for all type of operators, within and outside the service areas. Accordingly, BSNL should also revise their agreement with the operators.
3. STD Barring
STD barring will also be an issue post implementation of Full MNP. There should be no STD barring for mobile destinations Post Full MNP implementation.
COAI and ASUPI want above issues to be addressed by DOT before implementing full MNP. As the timelines for the implementation of Full MNP is very tight, operators are already moving ahead and making the network and IT level changes before the deadline.
Do you think operators can implment FULL MNP on time do let us know via comments.