India’s first private 3G operator Tata Docomo, the GSM arm of TTSL has come up with a dedicated colorful portal for 3G services under its website. Before its commercial roll out, they offered 100MB free Internet for 7 days starting from Diwali.
Continuing its ‘Do The New’ campaign, Tata Docomo’s 3G portal comes with a new tagline: ‘Why walk with the old when you can fly with the new’. Now say Hello 3G with Tata Docomo.
In the 1st phase of 3G roll out, Tata Docomo is providing 3G services in selected cities of 9 circles – Kerala, Karnataka, Maharastra-Goa, Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh, Guajrat, Rajasthan, UP West (incl. Uttarakhand), Punjab, Haryana where they have 3G spectrum to operate.
Powered with cutting-edge technology support from its partner NTT DOCOMO of Japan, the undisputed global leader in 3G services Tata Docomo’s 3G network can offer downlink upto massive 21.6Mbps.
We at TelecomTalk already posted the 3G Data and Voice plan details, you can check it here -> Tata Docomo 3G Life Tariff Plans in Details ( 1st on the Internet).
Tata Docomo Video Calling :
Now express more with Tata Docomo 3G video callings. Never let distances come between relationships anymore.Now watch and talk with your friends and family!
To make a video call, get a 3G mobile, supporting video call with a front-side camera.
- Step 1: Go to Phonebook or enter the number
- Step 2: Press Options
- Step 3: Select Video Call from Call Options
Tariff as pay as you use – flat 5 paisa /second (Rs.3/minute) for outgoing (local and national) and on roaming (outgoing and incoming) in circles where Tata Docomo has 3G operations.
Currently video call facility is activated for Tata Docomo 3G users only. So you can not make video calls to subscribers of other 3G operators.
Tata Docomo 3G Life Value Added Services:
It includes a very exciting VAS portfolio like Mobile TV, Catch-up (allows you one touch access to multiple email accounts, social networks & Instant Messengers - all at the same time), Gaming Zone, Video SMS & Mail, On Demand Services, Application market, DOCOMICS etc.
More Details are coming soon. For immediate help contact Tata Docomo customer care 121 from your mobile phone.