Later today Samsung India has officially tweeted that “The Galaxy Nexus will not be launched in India. Watch this space for the next big thing!” Instead they are promoting Galaxy III on their official twitter page.
This is pain for any stock Android lover like me here in India. Earlier in January the Samsung India had announced Galaxy Nexus will be released in 2nd week of May.
This not the first time Samsung has let down it’s customers in India, most of Samsung Galaxy SII are waiting for official ICS (Android 4.0) update which Samsung has promised in the end of April.
If you are a ardent stock ICS (Android 4.0) lover, you can buy unlocked Galaxy Nexus from Play store US for $399 provided if you got any friends and family or else you can still ahead with Lava Intel Xolo X900 Rs.22,000 (approx.)
This mean that Samsung India is really not happy to pump official Google phone into Indian market.