A few days ago, Reliance Jio was asked to pull down its Summer Surprise offer by TRAI for violating the terms and conditions of the regulator. As everyone expected, Reliance Jio came out with a new scheme called 'Jio Dhan Dhana Dhan' under which the company is offering same benefits of Jio Summer Surprise offer by charging little amount extra.
Under the new Jio Dhan Dhana Dhan plan, Jio is offering the same perks of Summer Surprise offer. For example, in the new scheme, you will get the same 1GB of data per day for 84 days at just Rs. 309 and 2GB of data per day at just Rs. 509. However, you need to be a JioPrime member to get the benefits at the aforementioned price.
If you're a new Jio customer and haven't yet recharged with the JioPrime membership plan, you will be charged Rs. 408 for the 1GB plan and Rs. 608 for the 2GB plan. As Jio promised earlier, both these plans come with free voice calls for the lifetime.
Another notable thing here is that these benefits will be valid for the first recharge and interestingly, Jio has removed other tariff plans from its website. After the first recharge expiry, users will get the same benefits at same prices, but it will be valid for just 28 days, as per the company's website.
Just after Jio announcing the offer, an Airtel spokesperson claimed it as 'Old Wine in New Bottle.' And he is right to much extent. While Jio is asked to discontinue the Jio Summer Surprise plan, the company has come up with Dhan Dhana Dhan offer with same benefits, but the new entrant is now claiming the offer as 'First Recharge,' rather than a promotional offer.
All said Jio is starting the tariff war yet again in India. Already, Jio's free 4G services had financially impacted the incumbent telecom operators, and with the Jio Dhan Dhana Dhan plan, analysts are expecting operators financial woes will now become worse than the previous.
However, consumers in India are praising Jio's move because they are getting benefits for three months at one month's cost. What do you think of Jio's Dhan Dhana Dhan offer? Will it disrupt the market yet again? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.