As it announced last week, Reliance Jio announced new Dhan Dhana Dhan tariff plan and made some changes to the existing tariff plans. Jio unveiled a new plan of Rs. 459, and modified the existing Rs. 399 tariff plans. These new plans will be effective from October 19 and will be applicable for both new as well as existing subscribers.
So, Reliance Jio has hiked the price of the Rs. 399, as it was expected and the same benefits are now offered under the new plan of Rs. 459. It gives 1GB data per day and unlimited voice calls for 84 days. It also gives access to all the Jio apps such as JioTV, JioCinema, JioMusic, etc. The biggest change is the after FUP limit speed, which is now reduced to 64 Kbps from the earlier 128 Kbps.
That's the new plan introduced by Reliance Jio. As said earlier, Reliance Jio made changes to the existing plans. The Rs. 149 plan is now modified to offer 4GB data, from the existing 2GB data for 28 days. And the benefits are valid for 28 days. It also gives access to Jio apps and also unlimited voice calls. Reliance Jio also killed the Rs. 309 plan, which used to offer 1GB data per day for 56 days.
For heavy data users, Reliance Jio offers a Rs. 509 plan that gives 2GB data per day, unlimited voice calls, and access to Jio apps for 49 days. The validity of the plan is decreased from 56 days to 49 days. That said, under this plan, Jio is costing just Rs. 5.2 per GB. The Rs. 399 plan now offers the same 1GB data per day and unlimited voice calls for 70 days, down from the previous 84 days validity.
In addition, Jio has some premium plans such as Rs. 999, Rs. 1,999, etc. The Rs. 999 tariff plan gives 60GB data for three months, whereas Rs. 1,999 plan offers 125GB data for six months. Both the plans offer unlimited voice calls and access to Jio apps.
There's a Rs. 4,999 plan that gives high-speed 350GB 4G data, unlimited voice calls, and premium access to Jio apps for one year. Jio is calling this as an annual plan.
Furthermore, Reliance Jio has introduced two affordable plans of Rs. 19 and Rs. 52 that gives free voice calls, SMS, and unlimited data. The Rs. 19 plan is valid for a day and gives 0.15GB data. Then there's the Rs. 52 plan that gives 0.15GB data per day for seven days, and lastly, we have a Rs. 98 plan that also gives 0.15GB data per day for two weeks.
Also, the Rs. 19 plan gives 70 SMS for the validity period, the Rs. 98 plan gives 140 SMS for 7 days, and the Rs. 149 plan gives 300 SMS for 28 days.