After talking about the hardware specs and wireless charging solution on the OnePlus 8 series, the Chinese company has now revealed information on how it designed the smartphones. For the unaware, OnePlus was the first smartphone brand in the world to use a matte-frosted glass back. In the OnePlus 8 series, the company will be using fifth-generation matte-frosted glass with which the brand is also bringing back Silk White Silkiness. Also, the OnePlus 8 series will come in a green colour option, as shown in the teaser video. This could probably be the Glacial Green colour option we got to see in the recently leaked renders. Both the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro will arrive in a Glacial Green colour option.
OnePlus 8 Series to Feature Fifth-Generation Matte-Frosted Glass
In a detailed forum post, OnePlus said it went with matte-frosted glass design to avoid all sorts of “strip designs” to account for the antenna. According to OnePlus, strip designs will effectively destroy the uniformity of the back cover. In 2018, OnePlus became the first brand to launch a smartphone with a matte-frosted glass back. The company says it was the "perfect amalgamation of the natural advantages of glass and metal."
The material preserved the lustre and texture of metal, refracted light from different angles, and all while delivering a soft, almost warm touch, added OnePlus. As noted, the OnePlus 8 series will pack the fifth-generation matte-frosted glass which has achieved using a new haze degree crafting process.
"Thanks to the higher degree of haze achieved, we were able to produce an unprecedented smooth and fine texture on the fifth-generation frosted glass. It feels just as warm and comfortable as our first-generation Silk White back cover on the OnePlus One," said OnePlus in the forum post.
Furthermore, the OnePlus 8 series is confirmed to feature a thinner profile and a lighter weight. The OnePlus 8 series will be available in Glacial Green colour option alongside the common Onyx Black option.