Indian wearables manufacturer, Noise has unveiled its latest offering, the NoiseFit Crew Pro smartwatch, in India. The smartwatch comes in three attractive colour options and boasts a range of impressive features. With a 1.4-inch display and Tru Sync technology for Bluetooth calling, the NoiseFit Crew Pro is a versatile companion for tech enthusiasts. One of the key highlights of the NoiseFit Crew Pro is its extensive collection of over 100 watch faces, allowing users to customise their smartwatch according to their style and preference.
Battery life is another area where the NoiseFit Crew Pro excels. The smartwatch promises up to seven days of battery life on a single charge, ensuring that users can rely on it for extended periods without needing frequent recharges.
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NoiseFit Crew Pro Price
In terms of pricing, the NoiseFit Crew Pro smartwatch is available at an introductory price of Rs 2,199 through the NoiseFit website and Flipkart. Customers can choose from three colour variants, including Classic Black (Leather), Classic Brown (Leather), and Jet Black. Additionally, there are Classic Blue, and Silver Grey watch strap options for further customisation.
NoiseFit Crew Pro Specifications
The smartwatch's specifications are equally impressive. It features a 1.4-inch HD AMOLED display with a resolution of 240x240 pixels, complemented by two physical side buttons. Bluetooth calling is supported, allowing users to make and receive phone calls directly from the smartwatch's display. The True Sync technology enables seamless connectivity.
With more than 100 customisable watch faces and over 120 sports modes, including running, cycling, and trekking, the NoiseFit Crew Pro caters to users with diverse fitness interests. It also offers health monitoring features such as SpO2 monitoring, heart rate tracking, female health tracking, and sleep monitoring. The smartwatch has an IP68 rating for water and dust resistance, ensuring its durability in various conditions.
The NoiseFit Crew Pro is powered by a 300mAh battery, delivering up to one week of usage on a single charge. It supports quick replies and notifications and even includes a calculator for added convenience. Users can track their activities and access health insights through the NoiseFit app, enhancing their overall experience.