Reliance Jio, India's largest telecom operator, has brought a new prepaid plan that costs Rs 1748. Jio introduced this plan after the removal of the Rs 1958 plan. However, the benefits of the plans aren't the same. Jio's Rs 1748 plan comes with a reduced validity. The Rs 1958 plan came with 365 days of service validity, while the Rs 1748 plan comes with 336 days of service validity. So while the price has been reduced, so has the service validity. This move from Jio is followed by Airtel's similar move to reduce the price of its voice and SMS-only plans by a small margin. Jio has done the same. This is likely because of TRAI's (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India's) order to the telcos to reduce the price of their voice and SMS-only plans. Let's take a look at the benefits of the newly introduced Rs 1748 plan from Jio.
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Reliance Jio Rs 1748 Prepaid Plan Benefits
Reliance Jio's Rs 1748 prepaid plan comes with 336 days of service validity. It offers unlimited voice calling and 3600 SMS with a subscription to Jio apps including JioCinema, JioTV, and JioCloud. The Rs 1748 is the long-term validity prepaid plan from Jio if you are looking for a voice and SMS-only option. It isn't much cheaper than the older Rs 1958 plan.
The average daily cost of the Rs 1958 plan was Rs 5.36. With the Rs 1748 plan, the average daily cost is Rs 5.20, so basically not a major difference.
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The other voice and SMS-only plan available for Jio customers is the Rs 448 plan. This plan's plan has been reduced by Rs 10. Two days back, it was priced at Rs 458. The benefits remain the same - 1000 SMS and 84 days of service validity with unlimited voice calling. There are other Jio benefits including JioCinema, JioCloud, and JioTV.