Hike messenger, the ambitious brainchild of Kavin Bharti Mittal today got updated with a unique feature not provided by many instant messaging and VoIP apps in the market today. The app added the ability to make free conference voice calls with up to 100 participants per call. Leading apps in the VoIP market Whatsapp, Viber and Skype do not provide this feature, at least not yet.
Currently on GSM platform if you intend to make a voice conference call it is a multi step tedious task where you put one call on hold while you dial another call and then merge the two, and repeat the same steps over and over for every aditional participant. With Hike conference call, all you need to do is select the candidates you wish to conference with and tap on the call button and all of them will simultaneously get your call.
Hike messenger currently also provides features like hidden mode a privacy feature which allows you to hide all the chats that you want to keep private from the world and access them only with a password, sharing of all file types including PDF, ZIP, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, APK's, MP3's and more, customised two way chat themes to add to the ambiance, hiding online status, free personal assistant Natasha to help with your daily activities, 5000+ expressive stickers to add life to your chats, free discount coupons and much more.