BSNL has unveiled a new Rs 551 prepaid tariff plan for its users in Kerala circle. The Rs 551 plan is a data-centric plan as it doesn't offer any voice calling benefits. However, alongside the data benefit, it offers free BSNL caller tune for the validity period. The all-new BSNL Rs 551 prepaid plan offers 1.5GB data per day for 90 days from the date of recharge. On the whole, BSNL is giving 135GB data with the newly introduced plan. Users can also avail a free BSNL caller tune for 90 days with this plan. As stated, this plan is made available only for BSNL prepaid users in Kerala circle, and as of this writing, it's not valid in any other circles.
Post the 1.5GB data every day, users can enjoy data at 80 Kbps, same as Reliance Jio's prepaid tariff plans. Alongside the Rs 551 prepaid plan, the government-owned PSU also introduced other plans of Rs 444, Rs 485 and Rs 666. These plans are already available in other circles as well, but the benefits are slightly less for the users in Kerala circle.
The Rs 444 prepaid plan offers unlimited voice calls including roaming calls across the country sans Mumbai and Delhi. Calls to other networks are limited to 200 minutes per day and post that users will be charged at 20 paise per minute. This plan also gives 1.5GB data per day with after FUP speed of 80 Kbps. Lastly, BSNL is also providing free BSNL Caller tune for the users. These benefits are valid for 60 days.
Next on the list, we have the BSNL Plan 485 which also offers unlimited voice calls even on roaming excluding Mumbai and Delhi circles. The voice calls are limited to 200 minutes per day to other networks, and the data benefit is 1GB data per day. On the brighter side, this plan gives 100 SMS per day, but it doesn't offer the BSNL caller tune benefit. This plan comes with a validity of 90 days.
Lastly, we have the BSNL Sixer 666 plan which was introduced last year on a pan-India basis but recently modified for Kerala subscribers. It gives 1GB data per day, unlimited voice calls even on roaming, 100 SMS per day for 129 days. Users can also activate the Plan 485 and BSNL Sixer 666 plan by sending an SMS to the customer support portal.