Vodafone India is all set to introduce its Voice over LTE or VoLTE service this month. As per some of our readers across various states, Vodafone VoLTE service has already gone live, and they're using the service. We have now learnt from our sources about the Vodafone VoLTE compatibility and roll out structure. Firstly, all VoLTE devices do not support Vodafone VoLTE by default, same as Airtel VoLTE. Cupertino giant Apple is expected to release Vodafone VoLTE support in March/April 2018, but some devices from Android manufacturers will have support for VoLTE right after the release itself.
How Does Vodafone VoLTE Rollout Works?
As stated, all VoLTE devices do not Vodafone VoLTE by default as they need to be upgraded to support VoLTE through a software patch released by the handset manufacturer. This is the same procedure followed by handset manufacturers to add VoLTE support of Airtel. Before the release of the software patch, handset manufacturers carries internal testing and certify their devices on the Vodafone network.
Post the internal testing; they will release the patch as part of the next OS update. Like Bharti Airtel, Vodafone India will also release supported devices list in a phased manner.
Vodafone VoLTE Service Rollout
Now coming to the Vodafone VoLTE rollout, it again is in-line with Airtel's rollout. Last month, Vodafone confirmed that it would release the service in a phased manner and in Phase-1, the circles are Mumbai, Gujarat, Delhi, Karnataka, and Kolkata. As per our sources, in the second phase, the company would roll out the service in Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, UP West, Chennai, UP East, Maharashtra & Goa circles. The Phase-2 rollout might happen at the end of March 2018.
Vodafone VoLTE Supported Devices
This is where things get interesting. For the initial launch in January, there will be select models from Xiaomi, OnePlus, and Huawei with Vodafone VoLTE support. While the models are not known yet, we assume that the popular phones such as Honor 7X, Honor 6X, Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, Redmi 4, Mi A1, OnePlus 5, 5T, 3, 3T, etc. will get the support.
Starting in February, Chinese handsets with MediaTek chipsets will start receiving Vodafone VoLTE support. Furthermore, select models of Samsung will receive the support too in February itself.
Coming to Apple iPhones, according to our sources, Apple is doing extensive testing in Mumbai and Karnataka. The testing is expected to be completed by the end of January, but Vodafone is expecting the rollout of VoLTE patch to iPhones by Apple by March/April 2018.
Vodafone VoLTE Basics
As stated, Vodafone VoLTE is unofficially live across some of the Phase-1 circles such as Mumbai. To enjoy Vodafone VoLTE, a customer must have a supported 4G VoLTE handset, 4G SIM card, and 4G Service in the circle.
With inputs from Mandanna.