Bharti Airtel announced today that it has collaborated with Culver Max Entertainment Private Limited (CMEPL) to launch what it calls India's first Anime Entertainment Channel, Anime Booth, a linear service available to Indian viewers in Hindi to begin with. Delivering uninterrupted anime content, Anime Booth will provide an immersive and ad-free experience catering to the demand of anime fans, Airtel said on Friday.
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Launch of Anime Booth
Airtel said the service will be accessible through Airtel's DTH services, including Airtel Digital TV and Airtel Xstream TV, with a subscription cost of Rs 1.8 per day. The anime channel will reportedly have an ever-expanding library with new anime series added periodically.
Aim to Transform Anime Viewing Experience
Commenting on the collaboration, Airtel Digital TV said, "We are thrilled to unveil the introduction of Anime Booth, marking a ground-breaking collaboration with Sony and reinforcing our commitment to providing innovative and captivating content to our valued customers. Anime Booth signifies a revolutionary advancement in anime viewing within India, offering an exclusive, ad-free platform that underscores our dedication to enhancing the entertainment experience."
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Sony YAY! (CMEPL) added, "In a world where creativity is limitless and entertainment rapidly evolves through innovation, Anime has captured a global audience and is witnessing a remarkable surge in popularity in India. To cater to this escalating demand, we are introducing 'Anime Booth' in collaboration with Airtel, with the aim of transforming and elevating the anime viewing experience for India's enthusiastic fan community."
Bharti Airtel emphasised that Anime Booth will provide users with a convenient and affordable platform to enjoy their favourite anime series without interruptions. With its launch, the channel seeks to revolutionise the anime viewing experience in India.