Bharti Airtel, which rolled out an Amazon Pay Gift Card offer to its prepaid and postpaid users a while back today confirmed that over five million Airtel users availed the gift card in three weeks. Just in five days after the offer launch, over one million users availed the gift card, and now, five million Airtel prepaid and postpaid users have received the gift card of Rs 51. An Airtel spokesperson confirmed this news to TelecomTalk. For the unaware, Airtel partnered with Amazon Pay and started offering Rs 51 Amazon Pay Gift Card via the company's My Airtel app as part of the company's 23rd Anniversary Celebrations. Airtel introduced this offer as a gesture to thank its customers for partnering with the brand and selecting them as their preferred partner for their mobile network.
Airtel-Amazon Pay Gift Card Offer Details
As part of its 23rd Anniversary Celebrations, Airtel is giving away Rs 51 gift card to its prepaid and postpaid users. Airtel prepaid users on a bundled pack of Rs 100 or higher can redeem the gift card on My Airtel app, under Airtel Thanks banner. Airtel postpaid users on any myPlan Infinity plan will be eligible for the offer. Airtel has a Rs 149 combo recharge under which it's giving 1GB of data per day, 100 SMS per day and unlimited voice calls for 28 days. Airtel's myPlan Infinity postpaid plans start at Rs 399 and goes all the way up to Rs 2,999.
How to Avail Rs 51 Amazon Pay Gift Card on My Airtel App?
For those who're yet to avail the Amazon Pay Gift Card can do that by downloading My Airtel application. Both Android and iOS users can head over to their respective App Stores and download the My Airtel application as the first step. After downloading the app, register with your Airtel prepaid or postpaid number. Right away, you'll be shown an 'Airtel Thanks' banner. Click on that and you can see the Amazon Pay Gift Card option with Redeem button. Click the Redeem button, and the Amazon Pay Gift Card will be displayed on the screen. Alternatively, Airtel will send the gift card to the registered mobile number as well. The final step is to log in or create an Amazon account and redeem your gift card.
Redeem the gift card at the earliest as Airtel says the offer will be available for a limited time.
Amazon Pay Gift Card Benefits
Amazon India has launched its wallet service, named, Amazon Pay last year. With Amazon Pay, users can make payments at more than 100 merchants online, prepaid & postpaid recharges, bill payments and so on. Airtel users can make payments on Amazon India website using Amazon Pay balance.