While 5G has just started becoming a more common technology, the work on 6G globally has already started. India, where 5G was launched just six months back, is also looking at 6G, which is several years down the line. Union telecom minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said that India is likely to launch 6G network by 2029. According to a Deccanherald report, he said that India's 5G rollout is already the fastest in the world. While addressing an event organised by the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vaishnaw said that nobody in the world has seen such a rollout of 5G.
Indian telecom operators, including Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel, aim to finish rolling out 5G in every part of the country by the next 1 to 1.5 years. Jio has said that it would reach every corner of the country by the end of 2023, while Airtel has said it would do the same by the end of March 2024. But a prominent coverage of 5G would only come around the end of 2024.
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5G has already reached close to 400 towns and cities in India. The numbers are only going to grow in the short term as Jio and Airtel compete to launch 5G in more corners of the nation.
Talking about 6G further, Vaishnaw said that the prime minister has given a clear target that India has to take the lead in 6G. India is already on the way to becoming the largest nation in terms of 5G consumers. 5G subscriptions are expected to be more than 4G subscriptions in 2028 in India. The ecosystem push with new smartphones and tablets that 5G support is already happening. The government has also been simplifying policies to ensure that telcos can deploy fresh infrastructure fast and at an efficient cost to ensure that 5G rollout doesn't slow down.